Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mindfulness for Health - Coming in May

My friend and colleague, Pam Weiss, has accepted an invitation to teach our first Mindfulness for Health series in May (first three Thursdays)!

I am thrilled because I consider Pam an incredibly wise and compassionate person. Pam is also someone who struggled very directly with issues of health -- juvenile diabetes and a lifetime of managing insulin levels requires constant and very conscious diet and lifestyle choices.

Pam brings a rich background in mindfulness work, trained first in the Zen tradition for two decades and more recently invited to become a teacher in the Vipasanna tradition by Jack Kornfield (founder of the Insight Meditation Society and Spirit Rock Meditation Center).

We will record the series and make it into a CD and an audio download online so any of our members can benefit from Pam's teachings and support in developing a personal mindfulness practice. The three topics that Pam will teach and explore with participants include:

  • Basic Meditation - the healing benefits of following the breath

  • Mindfulness through Body Scans - countering stress and pain through structured process for sensing into different parts of the body

  • Metta Meditation - infusing one's life with the healing energy of loving intention
There will be time to practice together and to ask questions and share individual experiences with the group. If there is interest, the group that signs up may opt to continue to meet to support one another in practicing mindfulness for better health.

I am so grateful to have Pam's support on this important new offering to our members. Let me know if you're interested in participating in our first Mindfulness for Health series. We will keep the cost quite modest - $20 for the series including a CD or $15 for the CD if bought separately.

Although this series will take place in May, with space limited to 25 people, it will fill up quickly, so drop a line to me if you want to be on the early registration list.

Those of you who read my blog entries get first dibs on open spaces. Thank you for reading my blog, by the way! :-)


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