Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eye Doctor Impressed - Interested in Iodine Drops

My eye doctor was impressed today. From dry eyes last year (and an opthamologist's prescription for a year's worth of antibiotics, which I opted to ditch) to the fateful tear evaporation test today was quite the journey.

Last year, my tears evaporated in about 2 seconds (no oils from my tear ducts to prevent them from evaporating too quickly). This year, it took over 10 seconds (which my doctor considered "normal"). I told him about the two drops of Lugol's iodine formula that I had been taking in a big glass of water each morning (recommended by my integrative pharmacist friend, Mike Ciell).

My optometrist was quite interested in the iodine, taking notes on where he could send his dry eye patients for Lugol's formula iodine. I told him they were available at my naturopath's office, around the corner from his office as well as on the Internet (my link above is to Lugol's packaged with a book on iodine by Dr. Brownstein available at Amazon.com).

Meanwhile, during the vision tests, my eye doctor noted that my minor astigmatism in distance vision had disappeared. Pretty cool!

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