Friday, December 26, 2008

Rebounding to the Beat for a Healthy Immune System!

I don't know why I share these things sometimes. It's after 9 pm on the day after Christmas and the most exciting thing in my life is rebounding to dance music.

Lately, I've been jumping and twisting on a mini trampoline to get my lymphatic system moving (otherwise known as rebounding). With an autoimmune diagnosis, I'm interested in all things that help my immune system function optimally, well beyond supplements and diet. By the way, I'm feeling great and I'm confident that all is going well and I won't have this diagnosis for long.

For those inquiring minds out there, here's a sample of what I've been rebounding (and dancing to) tonight. Smooth by Santana was one (Rob Thomas sings this hot hip-swinging classic). Love it! Another was Ramalama (Bang Bang) by Roisin Murphy, a fun, boisterous number. I played a bunch of other music, from Vampire Weekend to LCD Soundsystem to Madonna and Nine Inch Nails (I know, an odd combination, eh?).

But back to the main point--the connection between movement and a healthy immune system.

If the gym or running circles around a track (or your neighborhood) is not your thing, and even if you don't have a mini trampoline, crank up your favorite music, do a little gentle stretching and warm-up, and enjoy shaking your booty a bit more often.

Your immune system will thank you (remember, your lymphatic system doesn't have its own pump and needs you to move to move your cell-nourishing, waste-eliminating lymph)! So why not move to music?! :-)


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