Our Health Coop Presents



In this Issue:

Bill Henderson - Exclusive Interview with the Author, Researcher, & Humanitarian

Bill Henderson
It's always an honor to catch up with long-time Co-op member and friend, Bill Henderson. This week Teri Edgell and Chris Harding got the chance to interview the world-renowned author and humanitarian on his latest protocol and we can't wait to share it with you.

In the radio interview, Bill discussed his protocol for cellular health and restoration, his rewarding life's work, and his history with the Co-op.

You'll find the interview in our Blogs, Radio, and Video section or simply  click here to listen on demand.

And pssst...Bill's protocol recommends Heart Plus (and Green Tea Extract) -- now available in veg capsules!

The Unified Theory of Heart Health

Three ingredients, two scientists, and one revolutionary theory underlie the science behind Heart Plus, all beginning with Dr. Linus Pauling. Pauling was a serious scientist; bestowed during his six-decade career with 48 honorary Ph.D.s and the honor of being the world's only two-time unshared Nobel prize laureate!

Among his most prized research was Pauling's revolutionary Unified Theory of heart disease, which postulates that inadequate vitamin C intake (and thus shoddy arteries that invite cholesterol accumulation) lie at the root of the plummeting heart health of Americans. To learn more about Pauling's Unified Theory, check out the white paper written by Co-op friend and integrative pharmacist/biochemist, Mike Ciell.

As part of the Unified Theory, Pauling (and later his protege, Dr. Mathias Rath) built a strong case for the effectiveness of Vitamin C, Lysine, and Proline in repairing eroded arteries, thus making it difficult for sticky cholesterol plaques to contribute to dangerous blockages.

Specifically, they've shown how Vitamin C supports the production of collagen and elastin, both essential to healthy connective tissue and artery lining. And further, how Lysine and Proline surround unwanted sticky particles, and help usher them to the liver to be burned as energy.

Whether you're looking to renew, regain, or reinforce your heart health (or that of your loved ones), consider learning more about the Unified Theory and why members have said:

"This explanation for heart, plaque & collagen functions is both clear and informative. I learned more by reading this explanation than I have ever have about heart vessel walls, stress & what causes low collagen. Thank you! You sold me and educated me at the same time."

To learn more, visit our Heart Plus and new Heart Plus Veg Capsules product pages.

Latest Blogs

Teri EdgellTeri Shares Aunt Ann's Awesome Granola Recipe. Just reading this blog entry (and all of the tasty ingredients) could have you salivating for this healthy breakfast treat. Then, with a tip of the hat to Spring (and the Boys of Summer), Teri takes us to the ballpark with her baseball-loving mom, who's been visiting Teri and Harley for... well, for a while now.

That's all for now, fair members!

Still purringly yours,


Guido Housemouser
Chief Kat
Our Health Co-op, Incorporated
4188 Westroads Drive, Unit 123
Riviera Beach, FL 33407
Arrow Save
   Top Ten Latest top sellers!
  1. Heart Plus
  2. Green Tea Extract
  3. Eye Protection
  4. Probiotics-16
  5. Vitamin B-Trio
  6. Joint Complex
  7. Resveratrol
  8. Vitamin D3, 5000 IU
  9. Fish Oil
  10. Multi-Veggies

A Kat's Perspective

This kat happened on the most hilarious research snippet recently (well, okay, hilarious if you're a feline, and not a bird or a chipmunk, I digress). Humans think they're so clever, hanging collars on hunting felines, the intention of which is to give a fair warning jingle to otherwise unsuspecting prey.

Well, turns out cats with noisy collars are actually more successful hunters than those without, as they've had to learn to be extra stealth to keep their collars quiet!

Why, you ask, would yours truly be sharing this perhaps useless tidbit with you? Perhaps a bit of wisdom lies within the entertainment, which is to say that although you may experience annoying, debilitating, and even humiliating setbacks at times (yes, we felines can definitely experience all three with regard to collars, thank you), you have the potential for greatness beyond even that of your pre-setback self.

Bell-clad cats have a much deeper appreciation for silence, stealthiness, and stalking than their jingle-free companions because they had to learn to become far more aware of their movements and adjust. With setbacks come new awarenesses that, if minded carefully, can pave the way for radical success. Just two cents from your favorite kat! ^..^

Just In: New Heart Plus Veggie Caps!

Heart Plus Veg CapsIt's no secret members can't keep their paws off our Heart Plus, but some are none-too-fond of tablets. With you tablet-haters in mind, we're delighted to introduce our Heart Plus Veggie Capsules, the same powerful formula, now in easy-to-swallow, easy-to-digest vegetarian capsules!

Don't worry, our original Heart Plus formula isn't going anywhere; now you just have choices. Exercise your choice now. ^..^  
Lugol's Iodine, 2% Solution 2oz Back in Stock

Lugol's IodineWe've received numerous requests for Lugol's Iodine when it temporarily ran out of stock last week. We're happy to report that we do have a limited supply available again. Since there is world-wide demand for this product, we wanted to make sure that our Co-op members who may need this solution have an opportunity to get it while supplies last. Please know that our heart and prayers go out to all of those affected by the multiple disasters that have impacted Japan.

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