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Thoughts from a leading integrative physician and medical insider


The Dr. Rodier Cleanse

This cleanse provides dense nutrition and potent detoxifiers to rid the body of toxins and optimize intestinal function. By eliminating sugar, dairy, and processed foods, and filling the void with essential nutrients and fibers, the gut can begin healing and the liver can rid excess sugar and toxins.


Weeks One & Two

Lean proteins (fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, nuts) and vegetables (no white potatoes) only. No peanuts, they are legumes.

Cravings, low energy, and flu-like symptoms are normal during these first two weeks. Hang in there.

Weeks Three & Four

Begin introducing fruits.

If you react to any one fruit, rotate it out of your diet and try again in a few days. Reactions may take the form of indigestion, bloating, fogginess, and/or other discomforts.

Weeks Five & Six

Begin introducing legumes.

As with fruits, note any reactions you may have to particular legumes and rotate out if necessary.

Weeks Seven & Beyond

Begin introducing grains, one each week.

Pay attention to reactions your body may have to digesting grains. Grain metabolism can take days, so the effects may take time to show. Start with non-wheat grains like quinoa or millet.

If any one food continues to give you upset, even after you've completed the cleanse, you may have an allergy or intolerance to this food, and you may consider avoiding it completely.



Constant Health - Constant Health packs 46 scientifically-significant ingredients designed to boost immune system function, optimize intestinal function, and support efficient detoxification. Constant Health contains 15 grams of easy-to-digest rice protein with powerful antioxidants, cleansing fibers, and concentrated cellular health agents.

Fish Oil - Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil fights inflammation at a cellular level. Omega 3s contribute to a wide variety of healthy outcomes, including those for the heart, circulatory system, joints, moods, skin, intestines, etc. For general cellular health, omega 3 fatty acids help rebuild cell membranes so cells can communicate and function more effectively under ever-changing conditions in the body. 

Pancreatic Enzymes - Pancreatic Enzymes help support proper digestion. With age, your body produces fewer enzymes, thus making digestion and nutrient absorption more difficult. Without enzymes, your body can't absorb the basic nutrients of your food, let alone "extras" like minerals.

Probiotics 16 - Probiotics 16 provides friendly bacteria that work to support digestion, nutrition, and waste elimination. Most nutrient and mineral absorption happens in the gut, as does a significant amount of your body’s immune functions. This means without the proper balance of bacteria, you’re left more vulnerable to acute and chronic ailments.


Don't go hungry. Drink plenty of water. Get plenty of rest. Hang in there!


Dr. Rodier practices integrative medicine at the Pioneer Health Clinic just outside Salt Lake City, UT. He's an adjunct professor for the University of Utah's School of Medicine.

Dr. Rodier offers nutritional consultations via phone. Please inquire for details.

To contact Dr. Rodier, write to hugo@ourhealthcoop.com, or for more information, visit his web site at: www.hugorodier.com.

Read more from Dr. Rodier in his blog: Cutting-edge musings on health & healing